it's stamped on the bottom
or this company on who made these German
polka dots it's imprinted Germany on the bottom.
I wonder if there is more to the set?
this has been a crazy month for Phil and I we finished up
2 existing jobs and took on a new kitchen and refinishing
there hardwood floors to a gymnasium finish and we have to
be done by March 1st.
We have been working 7 days a week to get it all done
and I'm so looking forward to next week and taking a breather
this Friday is the carnival at school our biggest fundraiser
another crazy train I can't wait to get off of is the PTO.
So I'm going to sign off of blogland till next Monday and
I'll catch up with all of you then, say a prayer we finish....
Oh and one more thing a big thanks to
Shereen, Elizabeth and Chastity
for helping me clean their house after re sanding
their floors, oh my when we took down the plastic
I had not expected to see so much dust, so thanks again!
Have a super rest of the week!!!