Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ericka ??? one crazy month

over at Rosenreslis a new blog I'm in love with
she loves enamelware as much as I do...
featured some amazing pottery that has been handed
down and I was hoping maybe someone
has heard of this German pottery?

it's stamped on the bottom

or this company on who made these German
polka dots it's imprinted Germany on the bottom.
I wonder if there is more to the set?

this has been a crazy month for Phil and I we finished up

2 existing jobs and took on a new kitchen and refinishing

there hardwood floors to a gymnasium finish and we have to

be done by March 1st.

We have been working 7 days a week to get it all done

and I'm so looking forward to next week and taking a breather

this Friday is the carnival at school our biggest fundraiser

another crazy train I can't wait to get off of is the PTO.

So I'm going to sign off of blogland till next Monday and

I'll catch up with all of you then, say a prayer we finish....

Oh and one more thing a big thanks to

Shereen, Elizabeth and Chastity

for helping me clean their house after re sanding

their floors, oh my when we took down the plastic

I had not expected to see so much dust, so thanks again!

Have a super rest of the week!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Magazine musings and a little look back.....

This was one of my favorite magazines and then of course
they dropped it.
I loved how they would always feature
someones collection and these
seaside sirens were amazing!

I wish I was doing just this....

great bathroom

this was the August/September issue in 2004
and when we got it I was having a hard time
with a girls name.....and there it was Emilia.
Did any of you have a hard time picking names
for your kids?
Love this next home....

This is how I'm going to decorate the store
when were done.
love the kitchen
you should see their studio

LOve the view from the windows...

another great kitchen
love the yellow and the fireplace
did I mention I'd like to be here....

I love all her little cupboards

how cute are they!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Week.....

Whether your coming
or going this week....

whether you are able to enjoy the outdoors

or stand out in a crowd

whether you start the week off a
little rough around the edges

or get to enjoy a fancy affair this week
travel to foreign lands...
enjoy your week where ever your feet
take you!

Friday, February 18, 2011

No one likes a whiner....

Diane look how pretty it looks...

I had been wanting an i phone for awhile
our son has had one for a couple of years now
and they really are amazing.

so when my phone disappeared right before Christmas
and I received an email on the purchase of our new
at&t phone.....I was so excited.
My husband is a dream boat but
when it comes to gift buying
and bringing me flowers....well
he has a knack for bringing the only rotten
bunch of flowers home...
So when I unwrapped my one box under the tree
from him......his smile was ear to ear in anticipation of
finally getting me the perfect gift and there it was the
htc....he immediately told me it was better than an i phone.
So coming home from Anchorage Mimi was playing
around with my phone last week and discovered this sepia mode
I loved this feature.
now the rest of these are also from my phone
this is in Coopers Landing.

I can't wait till we can get back to the addition
we are going to change the dormers on the house to match the rest
and extend the porch across the front.

I loved this light idea
I found this in the travel and leisure magazine
while getting my hair done.

I love this window I wish we had a few stores
like this to window shop by also from the same magazine.

well I hate to say it but its kind of growing on me
who knows what could have been if the i phone
had been in stock.....
what else can these phones do?
whats your favorite option?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh my what a day i'm in for...

I'm a magnet for this painted metal stuff
I thought i'd share a few things
that I like around the house
sweet candle holder
Mimi stuffed this other bird in my branches
I found these in Anchorage $5


Cory gave me this sweet owl for Christmas

Mimi and George are sick today
I put them to bed.
George has made me wash 2 pillows and 2 quilts and a couch cushion.
I'm about to give him away.
Poor Mimi is throwing up....
So while they sleep for the moment I'm dreaming of being in Hawaii
thank you Amanda!
Its the little things that mean so much!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am in love.....

When a friend asked if I wanted her table
flew out of my mouth....
It matches my glass cabinet perfectly.

Diane do you see your piece of art in there.
Pinecones and roses
sent me this beautiful card and it is going to travel
the house.
check out her etsy site.

It's so sunny today it's hard to get a good picture
and this is my only moment alone.
I had the pto woman here all morning.
I kept thinking to myself.....hurry hurry
time alone is short this month...

I first put it in the kitchen
but it was in such pristine condition
I called to ask how she had cared for it
it promptly got moved to my pretty room.....
she takes care to a whole new level I told her.
she laughed!

remember my French chandelier
I bought this summer
still not up....
She joked to Phil she was not going to pay him
till my light was up.
What a sweetheart!