What to wear, what to wear, I finally decided on this dress
to wear while I except my award from
formerly Little Ted Canvas
and now
now she is stylish.
I have loved her blog and her incredible work
for quite awhile now and it was so sweet
of her to think of silly little me!
I'm suppose to share 7 things about myself
so here goes
1. when I was in 5th grade we moved
from Seattle to Minnesota and lived on a
dairy farm and in 7th grade I told my teacher
proudly that I would not be needing an education
just to haul manure the rest of my life.
Thank God I'm still not hauling manure.....
2. I always told my friends that I wanted to meet Mr. right
and pop out kids like a pack of Rolo's.
Dear God it took 5 years in between each of our 3 kids
so I would be in my 70's if I had finished like
a pack of Rolo's as planned.
3.in High school I had my appendix removed
and you know where that scar is don't you
well on the farm the neighbor man came over with a box of chocolate
for me and I pulled my pants down to show him my scar
not all the way, you should have seen his face
good Lord, what was I thinking.
Poor Mr. Prigge
4.on my first date the boy opened the door for me
and I opened the other door and walked through.
5.When my Mom told my sister and I that we were going
to have a brother or sister. My sister was 11 and I was 10
I asked if Dad knew. Look at what kids know today at that age,
I was a bit of a late bloomer though.
6.In high school I use to arm wrestle the city boys and beat them
until a girlfriend told me no boy wants to date a girl who's stronger
than they are so I stopped.
7. when I was a senior in high school we moved back to Seattle
where I met Mrs. Smodiez and she wore Poison perfume
and always wore a dress or skirt.
I wanted to be just like her and she changed me into a girlie girl
in a very big way.
I hope that I did not bore you too death....
now I get to pick who I pass the award on to so here goes....
Posie patchwork
I could have chosen so many more but here
are 10.....
I had to share our middle son Cory
I don't know how he does it but he sits on his
narrow foot board like a bird perched.
playing his game. kids