I thought I would show you my little blog spot.
My thrifted $20 orange metal desk...
Loved it the minute I saw it..
I entered,
I sat down this morning
with my first cup of coffee
the most important part of my day
when I realized I don't think I
have written a letter by hand for 20 years.
I really think texting and computers have made this a
lost art...
Look at how beautiful this is and with email these days
we are losing out on the fun of
going back and reading letters of our past.
My dad went to look at some property in remote part of Alaska
and in this old cabin since abandoned
years before left for the animals
in it were old letters
from the sister of the woman
who lived in this cabin with her
husband and children.
the sister was writing from Victoria ,BC
about her love life and how
she was hoping this young man was going to kiss her.
How sweet is that.
I would have loved to have read them all.
there they sat for some 60 years.
I wonder if they are still there.
and the young lady has I'm sure passed on
and little did she know that her sweet story
would be passed on by a stranger.
With technology we wont find beautiful letters
stored away!
any who
Karalea sent me this amazing letter
where I got to know her and her family.
with this lovely gift.
I had to share this detail she embroidered my name.
I'm off to mail her my hen scratch letter !!